Today, The Urbanist is launching a brand new theme for our website. It’s not only brighter and cleaner, but it also has tons of new functionality and features for readers. Here are just a few of the things that you’ll notice in the redesign:

  • A new “Features” megamenu neatly lays out our key topics;
  • Recent articles on the main page have a 50-word preview with a featured image;
  • A more powerful search function displays results in-page on-the-fly;
  • “The Urban Mixer” gives readers a glimpse at our special series;
  • A responsive layout is presented across all desktop, tablet, and mobile device formats;
  • Superior integration of social media;
  • A refreshed navigation bar that better connects readers with our content;
  • Our best articles of recent note rise to the top in “The City Picks”;
  • Related article suggestions are featured at the bottom of articles; and
  • Recent videos take center stage in their own pop-up menu.

We’ve put a lot of collective work into arriving at this point and hope that you’ll like the website redesign. But our work is not yet finished, it’s still a work in progress. Over the coming months, we’ll make tweaks to perfect the theme and add new content to make the experience even better for our regular readers and visitors. However, we could also use your feedback on the changes to help us improve the website theme and functionality. Let us know what you thoughts in the comments or shoot us an e-mail!

Article Author

The Urbanist was founded in 2014 to examine and influence urban policies. We believe cities provide unique opportunities for addressing many of the most challenging social, environmental, and economic problems. We serve as a resource for promoting and disseminating ideas, creating community, increasing political participation, and improving the places we live.