Fracking bans: Should Pacific Northwest cities ban fracked gas in new buildings?

Helpful data: Spin plans to provide e-scooter data to help build safer streets.

Bay Area transit: The Bay Area has a $100 billion transit priority investment list. Meanwhile, a BART extension to San Jose is headed for station opening delays.

Unsprawling the Garden State: New Jersey wants to undo its sprawl.

Traditional street vending: Is Delhi’s book market too messy for the modern day?

Changing modes: In Washington, D.C., commuters are driving less and using more transit.

Temporary household growth: Household sizes in America are growing for the first time in 160 years.

Smog valley: In California, residents in the Central Valley are terrified at the prospect of more pollution do to the occupant of the White House’s awful environmental priorities.

Denver’s big rezone: A zoning change in Downtown Denver could greatly change the city’s skyline.

Highway avoided: Vancouver settles on not elevating a street to a highway.

1% benefits: With coming census tract changes, “opportunity zone” boundaries could end up changing soon.

Blocking the snatchers: The United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement have not been able to secure rights at airports in Bellingham and Everett to deport undocumented immigrants.

Bangladesh’s forgotten: The world’s biggest refugee camp is becoming a functional city.

Withering away: An iceberg bigger than Los Angeles broke off of the Antarctic shelf.

North Shore transit: The British Columbia government will begin planning work for high capacity transit in North Vancouver.

Grand opening: The Expedia campus in Smith Cove opens to the first staff on Monday ($).

The 1970s haunt: Who’s afraid of the pedestrian mall?

Rename CHH: Capitol Hill Housing is thinking about a new name.

Fare capping: Fares increases on BC Ferries will be capped at 2.3% annually through 2024.

Pushing people: Tacoma’s parks district has decided to ban tents in parks.

SOV is SOV: At the behest of the federal government, Virginia is finally kicking single-occupant vehicles out of high occupancy vehicle lanes.

Banking on SFRs: How did corporations quickly snap up single-family residential properties to rent them across America?

Lacking inclusive growth: The Rust Belt highlights the inclusive growth problem in America.

Be like China: China is opening new rail projects big and small across the country at a fast pace.

Vancouverism: The South Granville Station planned for the Broadway SkyTrain in Vancouver will have a five-story commercial building on top. Vancouver is also reimagining Broadway as a “great street”.

Real environmentalism: Environmental review and appeals led to California canceling a high desert freeway project.

Okay, do it: The United States Environmental Protection Agency has threatened California that it would force the state to spend highway money on transit.

Counterintuitive: “Cool” reflective pavement in Los Angeles may actually be the opposite on hot days.

Courtyard housing: Using a courtyard approach, more family units will be able to be developed in a Vancouver multifamily project.

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Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.