A picture of a person on a scooter and e-bike riding past a car with the caption 'tired of waiting in traffic? Lime will get you there.'


Renton Seeks to Create a New Urban Neighborhood Around Planned Transit

Renton wants to spur development around the planned Sound Transit bus rapid transit station in South Renton. But considerable hurdles stand int way of creating a truly multimodal neighborhood there.
Several sheriff vehicles park on Pine Street in Downtown Seattle next to the light rail station.

Seattle’s Stay Out Orders and Encampment Sweeps Continue Trend toward Criminalization

Emboldened by the Supreme Court's sweep-friendly Grants Pass decision, the Seattle City Council is advancing stay out zones in hopes of criminalizing drug abuse, sex work, and homelessness out of existence. History suggests this will not work.

Sunday Video: Are Fire Concerns About Point Access (Single-Stair) Buildings Right?

Last year, Uytae Lee of About Here discussed why point access block (single-stair) residential buildings are so good. But a common reaction to the...

Zahilay Proposes Billion-Dollar Bond for Social Housing

King County Councilmember Girmay Zahilay rolled out the Regional Workforce Housing Initiative this week, aiming to use bonding to boost family-sized workforce housing construction. Colleagues were largely supportive, but warned the devil was in the details.
An rooftop view of rows of midrise apartments in South Lake Union with Capitol Hill in the distance.

Policy Lab: Cracking Down on Rental “Junk Fees”

President Biden has called out junk fees, but local landlords continue to charge them. Here's what Seattle and other cities can do to address them.

St. Marks Pauses Project Adding 119 Affordable Homes on Campus

St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral officials cited multiple headwinds against development for delaying plans for housing and renovation of the historic Nicholas School on their North Capitol Hill campus.
A photo of a city skyline with cranes.

Op-Ed: Regional Workforce Housing Initiative Can Create Affordable Homes Near Jobs

King County Councilmember Girmay Zahilay lays out the case for his $1 billion workforce housing bond proposal, saying workers deserve affordable housing near their jobs.

Seattle’s Growth Plan Keeps Most of the City Unaffordable, County Committee Says

Seattle's 20-year growth plan doesn't do enough to ensure that lower income residents will be able to access the vast majority of the city's residential neighborhoods, according to King County's Affordable Housing Committee.