8,550: Out of millions of on-street parking spaces, New York City transformed 8,550 for outdoor dining space during the pandemic.

New digs: In Everett, residents are moving into the new Compass Health apartment building and benefiting from treatment ($).

Stalled: What’s been happening with the $45 billion in federal rental assistance funding?

Revised schedules: Could King County Metro improve bus timetable schedules by including light rail connections?

Transit-oriented development: In Coquitlam, some 8,000 housing units and mixed-use are planned as a massive development near the SkyTrain.

Move Redmond: Move Redmond is a new incarnation of a city transportation management and advocacy organization.

False choice: In Franklin County, commissioners want to cut transit funding to provide for other services instead of raising more revenue.

Dead again: The future of Metro’s Route 47 is murky, but it’s not looking good.

Not surprising: The pandemic relief checks sent out by the federal government have greatly blunted and reduced hardships ($).

Accessible transit: A new federal proposal could provide $10 billion to improve transit station accessibility.

Trails for all: Active transportation advocates are pushing for $10 billion in federal funding for walking, rolling, and biking trails.

A grievous sin: Local, state, and federal legislators are mistakenly pushing for highway expansion of US-2 instead of just replacement ($).

Governor’s Island rezoned: Governor’s Island in New York City has been rezoned for mixed use while still retaining its historic and park features.

Goodbye parking minimums: Raleigh may eliminate minimum parking requirements and Richmond, Virginia may follow suit.

Planning for the future: Officials in San Diego say that a massive $160 billion plan for transit and high-speed rail can succeed if the region accommodates more infill development and residents.

CT zoning reform: Connecticut has passed a progressive zoning reform law to undo exclusionary zoning, but will the state’s governor sign it into law?

Bridge the divide: Portland has a new pedestrian and bike bridge, this time over I-405 in the central city.

Go big: Ed Miliband, a former Labour Party leader, says that Britain needs to go big with a bicycling revolution.

Low-cost walkway: Portland is trying an alternative, low-cost pedestrian walkway approach.

Fighting granny flats: San Diego residents are trying to undo recent accessory dwelling unit regulatory reforms.

Olympic deadline: A Streetsblog op-ed argues that California needs to commit to completion of high-speed rail between Los Angeles and San Francisco by 2028 in time for the Olympics.

Technology creates new problems: Autonomous vehicles are hailed as a savior, but they could speed up climate change.

No more highways: Portland succeeds in getting Oregon to hand over another state highway to the city as a street.

Union Station’s future: There’s a lot of interest in federal infrastructure funding, so what could that mean for Washington, D.C.’s preeminent Union Station?

Shot of a Lifetime: Washingtonians that get a Covid shot can qualify for many lottery awards and gifts.

Port Townsend transit: Jefferson Transit are considering a twice-daily bus route to Kingston where riders can connect with Seattle- and Edmonds-bound ferries.

Fresh food incentives: New York City is planning to expand grocery store and fresh food zoning incentives.

Unhealthy and noisy: Vancouver councilmembers want to ban leaf blowers.

Exclusionary governance: An agency representing Orange County cities in California will sue the state to block housing requirements.

John Lewis Bridge: Could the forthcoming Northgate pedestrian and bike bridge be named the John Lewis Bridge ($)?

Little Island: After years of delays, a new park has opened on the Hudson River in New York City ($).

Disappearing housing: Chicago is seeing a startling trend of small multi-unit residential buildings being converted or removed, reducing affordable housing.

Cincinnati’s new greenway: Cincinnati has opened a new greenway park and stormwater system.

New York’s fate: Where do New York City’s mayoral candidates stand on curbing congestion from cars and providing more options for walking, rolling, and biking ($)?

Mucking things up: A Los Angeles councilmember is throwing a wrench into bus rapid transit plans ($).

Not wrong: BART Silicon Valley got ripped to shreds on social media about a grandiose deep-level subway station in San José ($).

New bike lanes: Seattle rolled out new bike lanes on the José Rizal Bridge.

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Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.