A plaza space in central Boston. (Credit: Stephen Fesler)

Safe Systems: The United States’ transportation department has outlined a plan to combat traffic injuries and deaths ($). But what’s missing from it?

Inequitable transportation: Portland streets are dangerous – plus, the majority of pedestrian deaths were among people experiencing homelessness.

Mobility Bill of Rights: Does America need a “Mobility Bill of Rights”?

Capitol Hill: Capitol Hill Seattle Blog previews the Capitol Hill Safeway redevelopment project.

Mountain lion sanctuary: To avoid compliance with a new state zoning law, a Bay Area suburb tried to use mountain lions as a reason to block implementation, then walked it back.

Oregon transportation politics: An Oregon legislator wants to incentivize purchase of e-bikes. However, a separate Oregon bill could preempt Portland from imposing ridehailing fees.

Wisconsin: In Wisconsin, advocates are calling on leaders to reject car-centric transportation investments.

Pop-up bike lanes: Covid-era pop-up bike lanes have delivered excellent results.

NY commuter rail: In New York, commuter rail ridership levels haven’t recovered and they may never ($).

Siting shelter: Publicola highlighted how a bill in Washington would remove regulatory barriers for siting shelter for people experiencing homelessness.

Buffer zoning: A new study looks at the need to increase development capacity for infill housing by including “buffer zoning” to reduce property value increases.

New Zealand zoning: What can other countries learn from New Zealand’s zoning reforms for housing?

San Fran BRT: San Francisco’s new BRT line is getting close to launch.

Fossil fuels: Seattle’s pension board hasn’t fully divested from fossil fuels.

Bike lanes: New Belltown bike lanes have gone in.

Lifetime ownership costs: The lifetime ownership costs of a small car could reach nearly $700,000.

ESN reform: How could King County Metro make the emergency snow network better?

Fed policy: Yonah Freemark writes on how federal transportation investment aligned with land use planning can create more equitable and sustainable communities.

Maine: Maine legislators are mulling recommendations for reforming zoning and tackling housing costs.

Inequitable systems: How do transportation systems in the United States fuel inequities?

Zoning policy: The Stranger highlighted how one of Washington’s zoning reform bills could carve out exemptions for wealthy communities.

Fix it first: In Pittsburgh, a bridge that collapsed the day President Joe Biden was set to visit the city is a poster child for fix-it-first policy.

Hyperdense: Governing talks about the moment for hyperdense cities.

Boise: Boise could wind up revising its zoning code.

TransLink governance: Should Vancouver’s TransLink go back to an elected federated board?

Elon’s pride: Tesla had to recall its full self-driving software due to stop violations.

LA transit: A new rail line in Los Angeles has gotten approval. Other high capacity transit lines in the region are being reviewed.

Texas rent talk: With rising prices, rent control has entered the discussion in Texas.

Delay is the point: A proposal to streamline permitting in San Francisco has died.

Fed funding policy: New federal transportation funding makes some but not all states improve walking and biking.

Size is a contributor: Seattle Bike Blog reports on how larger vehicles on wider streets a leading to a lot of pedestrian deaths.

Main Street: Strong Towns writes about how transportation departments need to let Main Street be Main Street.

VMT: Will San Diego get a vehicle miles traveled charge?

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Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.