A picture of a person on a scooter and e-bike riding past a car with the caption 'tired of waiting in traffic? Lime will get you there.'


McLaren has its butterfly doors up while a half dozen onlookers in yellow vests take picture or admire the car.

Policy Lab: Tax the Filthy, Stinking Rich

Seattle has a $258 million budget deficit to solve. Mayor Bruce Harrell said he rejects notions of austerity. Good for him! I’m here to help. Let’s chart a way out of this crisis that doesn’t involve slashing services and laying off city workers.

Sunday Video: All The Ways Car Dependency Make Things Worse

Ray Delahanty of CityNerd goes through a litany of reasons why car dependency makes American society worse off from public health and environmental quality...
Serious Pie and Biscuit is shuttered. Construction cranes tower in the background.

Harrell Hopes to Fill Downtown Storefronts by Easing Code Restrictions

In a bid to reactivate Downtown Seattle, Mayor Harrell has proposed easing code restrictions in hopes of filling vacant storefronts with newly permitted uses like crafting studios, greenhouses, medical offices, art installations, public restrooms, and research laboratories.

Op-Ed: Why We’re Taking Burien’s Minimum Wage to the Ballot Box

Raise the Wage Burien is bringing together a coalition of workers, community groups, and labor unions to gather petition signatures to put a measure on the ballot this fall to raise Burien’s minimum wage to parity with nearby cities like Tukwila, SeaTac, Seattle, and Renton. In contrast, the city council's version is riddled with loopholes.

Sunday Video: Highest Inequality Of American Cities, Ranked By Gini Index

Using the Gini coefficient which measures inequality, Ray Delahanty of CityNerd runs through the top 10 cities in America with the highest levels of...

Sunday Video: Just One More Lane, Bro

Will one more car lane really fix congestion? Jason Slaughter from Not Just Bikes digs into all those promises made by highway departments to...
A group of about 15 campaign volunteers hold clip board and campaign signs at a mall plaza.

Voters Set to Decide on Raise The Wage Renton in February Ballot Measure

Renton voters have until February 13 to vote in a special election on the measure putting the city's minimum wage in line with Tukwila and SeaTac.
A rainy downtown Seattle street scene with bus 590 approaching.

America’s Pessimism Isn’t Economic, Stupid – It’s Human 

Economists are trying to figure out the dissonance between a recovering economy and America's deep pessimism. They're looking in the wrong place.