Op-Ed: Seattle Council Won’t Get Away with Gutting Minimum Wage Law
The Seattle City Council is queuing up a debate on appropriate wages for service workers at smaller employers. At the behest of restaurant owners, Councilmember Joy Hollingsworth is seeking to cancel a scheduled minimum wage increase.
Policy Lab: We Want Bread, and Paid Vacation Too!
Most advanced nations mandate at least 20 working days of paid vacation per year, but not the United States. Here's why we should change that.
Seattle Council Delays Vote to Cut Gig Pay, Equitable Development
Moves to cut the minimum wage for gig workers and squeeze Equitable Development Initiative projects for funding will have to wait for a future Seattle City Council meeting after their sponsors tabled the votes.
King County Metro Continues to Face Labor Pinch
King County Metro faces a bus driver shortage and a training bottleneck to address it as the agency seeks to staff up to boost service frequencies. Veteran drivers have pointed to need for more support for new drivers and safer conditions on buses.
Op-Ed: Why We’re Taking Burien’s Minimum Wage to the Ballot Box
Raise the Wage Burien is bringing together a coalition of workers, community groups, and labor unions to gather petition signatures to put a measure on the ballot this fall to raise Burien’s minimum wage to parity with nearby cities like Tukwila, SeaTac, Seattle, and Renton. In contrast, the city council's version is riddled with loopholes.
Local Labor Leaders Hope to Sustain ‘Year of the Union’ Momentum
2023 was a banner year for union organizing nationwide and locally, but much work remains in 2024 to sustain gains and expand on them. And corporate bosses are not taking this without a fight.
Op-Ed: Gig Worker Minimum Pay Law Makes Seattle More Livable for All
I am a disabled gig worker in Seattle who has shown up time and again over the course of five years, advocating to the...
Voters Set to Decide on Raise The Wage Renton in February Ballot Measure
Renton voters have until February 13 to vote in a special election on the measure putting the city's minimum wage in line with Tukwila and SeaTac.