Plans and Policy
Zahilay Proposes Billion-Dollar Bond for Social Housing
King County Councilmember Girmay Zahilay rolled out the Regional Workforce Housing Initiative this week, aiming to use bonding to boost family-sized workforce housing construction. Colleagues were largely supportive, but warned the devil was in the details.
Policy Lab: Cracking Down on Rental “Junk Fees”
President Biden has called out junk fees, but local landlords continue to charge them. Here's what Seattle and other cities can do to address them.
Op-Ed: Regional Workforce Housing Initiative Can Create Affordable Homes Near Jobs
King County Councilmember Girmay Zahilay lays out the case for his $1 billion workforce housing bond proposal, saying workers deserve affordable housing near their jobs.
Seattle’s Growth Plan Keeps Most of the City Unaffordable, County Committee Says
Seattle's 20-year growth plan doesn't do enough to ensure that lower income residents will be able to access the vast majority of the city's residential neighborhoods, according to King County's Affordable Housing Committee.
Seattle’s Downtown Activation Plan Remains Stuck in Low Gear
A year into announcing its ambitious Downtown Activation Plan, the Harrell Administration is touting successes. But so far those are primarily spot improvements, with many big initiatives in limbo or on hold.
How Cities in Lynnwood Link’s Path Prepared for Light Rail’s Arrival
Light rail is finally arriving in Shoreline and South Snohomish County. Local governments have been working toward this day for a long time.
Paris Hopes to Forge a New Model for Olympics-Oriented Development
Paris aims to break the mold, using major public investment for the Olympic Games for lasting benefit to the host city. Improvements include a cleaner Seine, major transit expansion, and a new eco-district. But will those efforts go far enough to win over locals?
Tacoma’s Almost Reality as an Olmsted-Designed Park City
In 1873, Tacomans considered laying out their fledgling city according to a unique Frederick Law Olmsted plan. The city ultimately discarded most of the plan, walking away from a greener, more park-oriented Tacoma.