Social Welfare
How King County’s Basic Income Program Could Fight Poverty and Increase Safety
Research has showed the promise of guaranteed basic income programs to interrupt the cycle of poverty, and participants in King County's pilot program told The Urbanist that it had helped them improve their circumstances.
Op-Ed: Why We’re Taking Burien’s Minimum Wage to the Ballot Box
Raise the Wage Burien is bringing together a coalition of workers, community groups, and labor unions to gather petition signatures to put a measure on the ballot this fall to raise Burien’s minimum wage to parity with nearby cities like Tukwila, SeaTac, Seattle, and Renton. In contrast, the city council's version is riddled with loopholes.
Voters Set to Decide on Raise The Wage Renton in February Ballot Measure
Renton voters have until February 13 to vote in a special election on the measure putting the city's minimum wage in line with Tukwila and SeaTac.
County May Require Shops to Offer Cash Payment Option to Protect Unbanked Residents
Shops in unincorporated King County may have to accept cash as payment if the King County Council moves forward with a proposal meant to...
Transpo Notes: Zero Youth Fares Begin, Fare Ambassador Program Expanded, and Equitable TOD
This Transpo Notes roundup touches on a mix of transit stories, including:
Zero youth fares and ORCA Lift fare reduction begin;ORCA card readers are getting...
Midweek Video: Planning for Aging Communities
Planning for aging communities is increasingly important. Vox visits Weesp, a small city in The Netherlands, to understand how the "dementia village" model works...
Zero Youth Fares Approved For King County Metro And Sound Transit Just In Time...
This week, more zero youth fare programs got approval in Puget Sound. Add King County Metro and Sound Transit to the list where youth...
Sunday Video: The Neighborhood Between The Lines
In Chinatown-International District, policymakers face big decisions on how and where to locate Ballard and West Seattle light rail expansion. Community members highlight, in...