A picture of a person on a scooter and e-bike riding past a car with the caption 'tired of waiting in traffic? Lime will get you there.'

Vision Zero

Renton Seeks to Create a New Urban Neighborhood Around Planned Transit

Renton wants to spur development around the planned Sound Transit bus rapid transit station in South Renton. But considerable hurdles stand int way of creating a truly multimodal neighborhood there.

Op-Ed: Bellevue Can Lead the Region on Street Safety

Bellevue is positioned to lead on traffic safety so long as it makes investments in safer roads. This fall's budget is a great time to start.

‘Keep Seattle Moving’ Levy Campaign Kicks Off

Transportation advocacy and business groups alike are supporting Seattle's Prop 1, the $1.55 billion renewal of the city's transportation levy.

Sunday Video: How American Fire Departments Are Getting People Killed

Fire departments rightly get high praise for fighting fires, rescuing people, and saving lives. But North American fire departments have been resistant to change...
Ryan Packer in a bike helmet along a bike path with an autumn-colored tree behind

Ryan Packer Talks Vision Zero, Traffic Safety on Hacks and Wonks Podcast

Ryan Packer broke down local "Vision Zero" traffic safety campaigns on a recent episode of the Hacks and Wonks podcast.

WSDOT Head Millar Wants $150 Million Annually to Fix Washington’s ‘Stroads’

WSDOT Secretary Roger Millar is asking for a dedicated funding source to fix the most dangerous state highways in Washington, laying down a $150 million per year benchmark.

Seattle’s MLK Way Safety Project Takes Step Toward Fulfilling Longstanding Promise

The Seattle Department of Transportation has wrapped up work on a new bike connection between Judkins Park and Mount Baker. Its roots can be traced back to a vision the Seattle City Council moved forward in 2019.

Bellevue Council Tries to Salvage Pieces of Imperiled Bike Network

It had looked like the idea of reallocating street space to bike lanes was off the table in Bellevue, but a city council discussion last week restarted the debate.