Volunteer Park Seattle

 Volunteer Park Seattle. By Dazzling Places.com Seattle – licenseoriginal


Half-funded 520 section through Montlake will get half-constructed starting this summer

The Plan That Could Finally Free New York City From Traffic Congestion

Low parking costs may encourage automobile use

Huge increase in crude oil by rail to Bay Area concerns local leaders

How British Columbia Enacted the Most Effective Carbon Tax in North America

Are Big, Rich Cities Greener Than Poor Ones?

The parklets are coming, the parklets are coming!

Seattle tax district would support parks and community centers

City main street networks show a drastic shift away from historic patterns of human-scale design

The 39th Ave NE greenway could soon reach NE 90th Street

‘The Simpsons’ Unveils a New Springfield Public Transit Map

Dangerous Madison Park crossing, 23rd Ave intersection, First Hill sidewalk considered for city fund

Is Your City’s Street Grid Really a Grid?

3 Charts: Bus Cuts Drive Riders Away

Article Author
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Aleksandra (Aleks) is a software engineer who moonlights as a writer and copy editor. Aleks's love of cities started as a child, when she would ride the commuter rail into Boston with her family for day trips. Her mission is to share that love with the world, by ensuring that our cities have a place for everyone. Aleks primarily writes about transportation and land use. She is also the webmaster.