With membership kits beginning to arrive in mailboxes, and major improvements to Downtown Seattle’s bicycle infrastructure now open, Pronto! Cycle Share’s mid-October launch is tantalizingly close. Once the system opens, members and pass holders will be able to use one of 500 bikes across Downtown, Capitol Hill, Eastlake, and the U-District–but first they’ll have to find one.

To help potential riders, The Transit App has extended their already excellent slate of scheduled and real-time transit information to include Pronto! Upon launching the app, users will be able to see both transit lines and a bike share stations near their location, with icons clearly indicating how many bikes and docks are available at a particular spot. The ability to see available docks is especially important, as Pronto! bikes must be returned to an open dock when your ride is over.

Tranist App - Pronto

Images: Nearby docking stations and transit (left) and real-time docking station data (right).

Users will be able to easily see both nearby transit and bike share stations while tapping on a station’s icon will allow users to see how many bikes and bike docks are available. It’s a simple addition–one already available in other supported cities–but given that bike share systems like Pronto! can be a powerful extension of transit, it’s particularly helpful. Take a look in the app today to see where stations are planned, pre-order your membership, and join Seattle’s cycling revolution on October 13th!

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Will became inexplicably interested in city planning, design, and urbanism after growing up in mostly-suburban Ohio. After spending 5 years living in Seattle's Rainier Valley, he relocated to San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood along with his wife and cat.