Red and blue: A brief history of what colors Link Light Rail lines are supposed to be designated as.

Drop in the bucket: Even doubling the American gas tax would be woefully below rates seen abroad.

Keeping the past: The Gaslight Inn on Capitol Hill’s 15th Ave is a contender for historic preservation.

Speeding along: A private passenger rail service planned for Florida is moving ahead despite opposition.

Clogged: What exactly should Seattle do about the Route 8?

Social productivity: The “basic income” concept is gaining steam across The Netherlands.

Popup art: How to make passageways and alleyways fun.

Parking problems: The City of Portland has circulated a few ideas on how to manage neighborhood parking.

Ped-only: Last Saturday, Capitol Hill tried out a pedestrian-only Pike Street, CHS gives a rundown of how that went.

Moving day: New York City used to have one day a year where one million residents would move.

Planted patience: Trees make the wait for the bus stop feel shorter.

The recharge lane: The UK is trying out new electric car charging highway lanes (no joke).

Measuring displacement: It’s not very easy to determine how much displacement is happening due to gentrification.

Protected: Davis, California debut’s America’s first protected intersection for bikes.

Highways first: State DOTs continue to fail communities across the country; enter Maryland where that state’s DOT is threatening the safety, accessibility. and success of one outer-DC city with a needless highway expansion.

Map of the Week: 20 years of the disappearing Arctic ice in one GIF.

Pike Place Market Danger: A driver lost control of his car in the Pike Place Historic District and seriously injured a pedestrian; one vendor asks why the street isn’t already closed to general traffic.

New beachside park: Mayor Ed Murray plans to reacquire the 130th St beach in Lake City.

State pops: A diagram showing state population ranks from 1910 to 2010.

Big plans: CHS covers design review proposals for First Central Station’s out-of-the-blue six-story block and Capitol Hill Lofts on Boylston.

Green for green: Green bonds are on the rise, and Sound Transit is the poster child for the new trend in funding projects.

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Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.