Pandemic era transit: Londoners have become fearful of transit due to the pandemic, according to a new survey. Meanwhile, riding transit in France and Japan is pretty safe. And Washington, D.C. has a playbook for transit recovery.

Cautionary tale: A seaside Oregon is a case study in how quickly local health authorities can become overwhelmed ($) by COVID-19 outbreaks.

Flaunting the law: Almost half of drivers are undeterred to text while driving despite the threat of penalties.

Missed payments: In Massachusetts, nearly a third of residents have missed rent or mortgage payment ($) during the pandemic.

BLM: In the streets around the White House, the people have a message for America’s racist president unfolding in the public sphere.

Demographic shift: In Southeast Seattle, neighborhoods are becoming more White ($).

Not enforcement: The organization for Safe Routes to School is dropping police enforcement as a recommended principle.

Racist-in-Chief: America’s racist president has issued a new order waiving environmental review for polluting highway and pipeline projects in communities.

Still declining: Midwestern cities continue their long purge of residents ($).

Sacred lands: Utah wants to build a pipeline from the Colorado River that would pass through tribal lands, but a Native American tribe is seeking to block the project.

Philly’s troubles: Philadelphia is facing massive budget cuts that could be coming for housing without additional funding.

Grow, stagnate, shrink: The Seattle area has been fueled by an influx of new residents pursuing jobs, but what will happen after the pandemic ends ($)?

Rents not rising: Rent rates in Seattle have stalled out ($) and landlords in West Seattle are dropping prices.

Pandemic planning: Seattle’s chief planner has talks with the American Planning Association about the city’s pandemic recovery response.

Climate resiliency threat: Big budget cuts in California could threaten climate resiliency efforts in the state.

Hard times: Alaska Airlines is preparing for big layoffs and an uncertain future ($).

Irreparable harm plotted: Many Washington Democrats and Republicans are considering gravely immoral budget cuts for the state.

FBC: Why should local jurisdictions consider form-based codes?

Back to school: In-person teaching of students in Washington ($) is expected this fall.

Montlake Lid: Washington’s state transportation department has a plan for the lid over SR-520 in Montlake.

Everett waffles: Everett is finally considering new revenue and even merger to keep Everett Transit moving ($).

Police funding: Some American cities are taking up the call to reduce police budgets.

Disproportionate impacts: Washington Latinos are being disproportionately hit by the pandemic, data shows.

Slow streets: Dallas is jumping in on the slow streets pandemic recovery movement.

Rising prices: Despite the pandemic, housing prices are on the rise, but will they stay that way?

NYC bus lanes: New York City is rolling out another 20 miles of bus lanes. Meanwhile, the city’s public transportation agency wants 60 miles of bus lanes.

Pandemic travel habits: How has the pandemic affected travel habits across the county?

Monumental times: The monuments of the dark past are being pulled down and replaced.

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Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.