LAX-LAS: A private passenger rail service is poised to launch next year between Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

15-minute cities: Top mayors are pledging to build 15-minute cities.

Pushed out: As gentrification happened in Seattle, a quarter of residents were pushed out ($).

Caltrain sagas: The Caltrain saga continues with disagreement ($) between San Francisco Bay Area municipalities.

Evictions: What happens if 23 million renters are evicted?

Better at 30: The landmark ADA law is 30 years old ($).

Equity analysis: San Francisco is holding up a significant rezone for an equity analysis ($).

Environmental injustice: Pollution is dropping in America, but not so much in poorer communities.

ACUs: Could “accessory commercial uses” in residential areas be a growing effort in communities ahead?

85th percentile: What does the 85th percentile for speed mean in engineering?

Where to rezone?: What is the equity case for increasing development capacity in wealthy neighborhooods?

Delivery failure: The United States Postal Service has threatened to stop mail delivery in a Seattle neighborhood over street changes.

Deemed approvable: A New York appeals court sides with New York City allowing a 2018 rezone plan for Inwood to move forward.

Divided governance: National evictions are ahead, but Democrats have a plan to stop them. Meanwhile, a stimulus bill by Republicans would leave transit out in the rain.

NZ zoning reform: New Zealand just banned parking requirements and required metropolitan center zones to accept building heights of at least six stories.

Blocking racism: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has moved to propose a bill that would block America’s racist president from rolling back the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule.

Changing attitudes: The public is quickly turning against fracked gas and natural gas.

Safeway maximizing: Safeway is pushing for another dense mixed-used redevelopment.

Foreclosure bonanza: National foreclosures could begin this month as a federal moratorium expires.

Office crisis: Office leasing is being hit hard by the pandemic.

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Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.