Speakers gather under an umbrella as supporters hold signs behind
Summer Stinson spoke at the rally against the Amazon money bomb at the Amazon Spheres in October 2019.

The Urbanist is in the midst of its Fall Subscriber Drive. Here’s a testimonial from progressive advocate Summer Stinson.

I rely on The Urbanist for reporting, investigation, analysis, and recommendations for local and state issues. Humans thrive in dense and walkable cities with excellent public transit, public schools, and public parks. Living collectively in a dense city brings me great joy and delight. But this is not the experience for so many in Seattle and our region right now because our city has become a tale of haves and have nots.

To be strong advocates for Seattle and urbanism, we must also organize around and advocate for affordable housing, more housing, rent control, expansive public spaces and parks, safe pedestrian sidewalks and trails, separated bike lanes (I would bike so much more!), strong public transit that connects our vibrant neighborhoods, and sustainable building that is environmentally sound and equitable. And, we need to discuss the vast income and wealth gap in our city, state, and nation.

I know–that was a mouthful! But it’s all necessary. What I most love about The Urbanist is that it covers all these issues and many more. The Urbanist acknowledges and understands how interconnected these problems are currently and how we need holistic solutions. The local and state reporting and analysis from The Urbanist is thorough and excellent.  I consider myself well-informed and much of that is due to The Urbanist! I am proud to be a subscriber of The Urbanist.

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Article Author
Summer Stinson

Summer Stinson is a progressive advocate and president of Washington’s Paramount Duty, a non-partisan, grassroots group of parents and allies working to compel the state to amply fund basic education.