TO cut backs: Despite earlier expansion ambitions, Toronto’s subway expansion plans have been cut back again.

Mass vaccination: Bloomberg CityLab looks at what kinds of facilities may serve as mass Covid vaccination sites.

NHTSA’s next head: A Californian technician is set to become the next head of the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.

Roadway impact: A new study suggests that using taxi-ish app-based services can double your roadway impact.

Secretary Pete: Streetsblog highlights five key parts of Pete Buttigieg’s nomination hearing for transportation secretary and says that his soon-to-be agency needs an active transportation czar.

Repurposing ROW: Turin turns a short abandoned tramway into a temporary linear park.

Charge Trump, too: Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro could face human rights charges at The Hague for his destructive policies in the Amazon Rainforest.

Boondoggle in the making: With the new Columbia River Crossing project back in planning, Portland’s metropolitan planning organization president urges caution.

BeltLine completion: Atlanta is proposing a new tax to fund completion of the BeltLine multi-use trail.

Incentivizing e-bikes: A Washington legislator has a tax exemption proposal for sales of e-bikes and accessories.

Still in planning: A plan for supervised drug consumption sites in Seattle and King County is still underway.

Transit and seating: Greater Greater Washington highlights why transportation advocates need to talk about seating.

Economic assistance: Washington’s Democratic legislative majority has unveiled a $2.2 billion pandemic economic assistance bill that could pass.

Maglev: China has debuted a prototype maglev train that could operate at 620 kilometers per hour.

Conjunction Junction: A new greenway in West Seattle is planned to open this year to connect The Junction with 35th Ave SW.

Not enough: Katie Wilson opines that Amazon’s housing philanthropy is not enough.

Mexico City model: Should Chicago adopt women-only transit for safety?

Postponed: A transit fare hike in New York City has been postponed.

Rezoning Atlanta: Could Atlanta end single-family-only zoning?

Yang’s casino proposal: Andrew Yang continues his weird mayoral campaign with a proposal for casino at the famed Governors Island.

Universal healthcare WA: Could Washington have single-payer universal healthcare by 2026?

Reform voting: Sightline highlights how ranked choice voting could break up partisanship and transform our politics. Meanwhile, new data shows strong national support for expanding voting rights and protections.

130th bike improvements: What bike improvements are recommended near the future 130th Street Station?

Extinction: A new report says that salmon in Washington are on the brink of extinction.

Rehousing plans: Publicola covers Seattle’s latest plans to address homelessness.

Lynnwood booms: A new proposal in Lynnwood would add 350 housing units in two seven-story buildings ($) near the soon-to-open light rail station.

On a technicality: Opponents of a Gowanus rezone plan in Brooklyn are using remote hearings as a rezone to block the plan.

Abundant zoning reform: Zoning reforms are popping up all over the place, Sightline says.

Desert Express: Brightline’s high-speed rail project in California and Nevada could be back on track for construction this year.

Quick stop: Many scientists now think if emissions go to zero, the effects of climate change could stop relatively quickly.

Drought in the Colorado: Due to drought conditions, the Upper Colorado River drought contingency plans have been in place for the first time.

Ending parking subsidies: Should parking pay its way instead of getting a free ride?

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Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.