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Civics and Culture

Op-Ed: Wallingford Can Build a Brighter ‘Seattle of the Future’

The Local Sightings film festival juxtaposed The Beacon, a film about a break-dancing studio fighting to survive in South Seattle, with a film about Wallingford grappling with change and potentially embracing a more inclusive, diverse future.
Single family homes with cars in the driveway and trees in the background.

Op-Ed: Presidential Election Hinges on Housing, Conceptions of the American Dream

Addressing our national housing crisis will require a drastic shift in how we think about housing in our society: it needs to become a basic human right — something we are all entitled to and therefore something our government works to deliver.
Two CCTV cameras mounted on a pole.

Harrell’s Expanded Surveillance Program Clears Hurdle in Seattle Council

Despite public outcry and limited outreach, Seattle City Council’s public safety committee greenlit Mayor Harrell's pilot program installing 24/7 surveillance cameras in three neighborhoods and purchasing real-time crime center software and staff. The legislation moves to a full council vote on October 8.

Sunday Video: Why Is Shibuya So Great?

Shibuya, Tokyo is world famous for it's massive at-grade pedestrian scramble crossing. In a way, it's a self-popularlized space. But there's a lot more...

Seattle Officials Tout Safety, Mental Health Interventions for New School Year

City and school officials promise a tangible change in safety and student supports when the new school year begins. But they're delivering fewer mental health investments than student groups requested.

An Urbanist Guide to Things to Do in South Redmond

Sound Transit's 2 Line stations in Redmond are not just commuting stops. There's a lot for an adventurous urbanist to discover around the stations.

Sunday Video: Why Do Tokyo Streets Get High Praise?

Dave Amos of City Beautiful recently made a trip to Tokyo and gushed about its quiet, urban streets. Tokyo’s wide arterials can leave an...

Op-Ed: Seattle Should End the Polluting Blue Angels Airshow

Environmental activists and critics of US militarism are joining together to protest against Seattle's loud, polluting Blue Angels airshow. Here's the case for having the courage to end this tradition.