A picture of a person on a scooter and e-bike riding past a car with the caption 'tired of waiting in traffic? Lime will get you there.'


Several sheriff vehicles park on Pine Street in Downtown Seattle next to the light rail station.

Seattle’s Stay Out Orders and Encampment Sweeps Continue Trend toward Criminalization

Emboldened by the Supreme Court's sweep-friendly Grants Pass decision, the Seattle City Council is advancing stay out zones in hopes of criminalizing drug abuse, sex work, and homelessness out of existence. History suggests this will not work.
A photo of a tent in front of a glass window with exhibiting large portrait style photos of people.

Supreme Court to Rule on Laws Criminalizing Homelessness in Grants Pass Decision

Seattle and other West Coast cities are pushing for the right to clear encampments without offering shelter. But the U.S. Supreme Court would need to overrule the Ninth Circuit ruling deeming this unconstitutional as cruel and unusual punishment.

Bellevue’s Safe Lot for Unhoused to Open After Long Delay

Bellevue has moved one step closer towards having its first "safe parking" facility open for residents experiencing homelessness. The program will use city-owned property to provide bathrooms, showers, a kitchen, and case management services for unhoused residents living in their vehicles.

Redmond Swoops In To Save Kenmore’s Cancelled Low-Income Housing Project

After Kenmore backed out of the project, the Redmond City Council approved moving forward with a land transfer that will allow Plymouth Housing to construct 100 units of permanent supportive housing on a city-owned downtown parcel.

Kenmore Council Rejects 100-Unit Supportive Housing Facility Following Backlash

Kenmore could be flushing $30 million in grants and the 100 affordable homes they were intended to fund. Following a marathon public hearing that ran...

Urbanism 101: Hostile Architecture

All urban design and architecture is implemented with a particular goal in mind — often to shape people’s behavior in a particular direction. Hostile...

Policymakers Shift Attention to Addressing Vehicle Residents’ Needs

When Neal Lampi, longtime Real Change vendor and former staff member, was living in his vehicle, moving among spots ranging from industrial areas of...

Mayor Harrell Unveils $970 Million Housing Levy Proposal

Hamstrung by rising building costs, Seattle's seven-year levy would fund 3,000 affordable homes. The Seattle Housing Levy is due for renewal this year, and Mayor...