More studies: The Cheasty mountain bike and hiking trails project isn’t a done deal yet; Seattle’s Hearing Examiner says that more studies are needed in order to move forward.

Bridging the divide: Bremerton could be getting a replacement bridge to connect the two halves of the city. With it could come new bike lanes, sidewalks, and even a lane for buses.

Cap Hill: New development at the Capitol Hill Station site could bring grocer New Seasons as a tenant, but labor unions oppose the anti-union company. Meanwhile, Sound Transit is close to a $25 million deal for the whole site.

Crossborough connector: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to build a rapid streetcar ($) line to link Brooklyn and Queens together; more than two-thirds of the alignment would be exclusive right-of-way.

Towering beauties: The Frye Art Museum is cashing in on the landlording business with new towers.

Ideologically tone deaf: The Seattle Times reinforces their anti-urban messaging after a shooting on a King County Metro bus this week, but Charles Mudede calls them out for it.

Pronto woes: Seattle Bike Blog examines how Pronto came to need a rescue from Seattle in order to continue operating. Our own Scott Bonjukian partially predicted the problems leading up to this.

Workers’ rights: Councilmembers Lorena González and Lisa Herbold are pushing secure scheduling for workers in Seattle.

Park(ing) it: A new woonerf opens and park on 12th Ave E in First Hill.

Induced demand: London Mayor Boris Johnson is actively considering two new tunnels in London, but not for subways. Instead, the Mayor wants to move motorists.

Inevitable outcome: Tolls on I-405, unsurprisingly, have been highly criticized by road users and politicians leading the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to relent on hours of tolling ($).

Bicycle revolution: London may soon have more bike commuters than cars at rush hours.

Housing choices: Mayor Ed Murray unveiled the initial details of his Housing Levy reauthorization proposal to voters; the levy will double current funding if passed.

Fast ferry: Kitsap County voters may get a chance to vote on a big fast ferry proposal this fall.

Ongoing crisisCrosscut‘s David Kroman explores what we really know about Seattle’s homelessness crisis.

Political brutes: WSDOT Secretary Lynn Peterson befell political rancour by Senate Republicans during a reconfirmation hearing Friday forcing out as agency head.

Oil tax: President Obama wants to charge $10 per barrel of oil to pay for transportation; Streetsblog hails the move.

Helping hand: Businesses on 23rd Avenue are concerned about the toll that road reconstruction may be taking on them, and now the City of Seattle plans to offer some addition assistance.

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Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.