Do you have ideas on how to make Seattle a better place to live, work, and play? Do you care about urban design, social equity, and how we manage our water resources? Do you want better public spaces, a healthier transportation system, and a municipally-owned broadband network? Then you should share your thoughts with the Seattle City Council about what your priorities are for the future. It’s been a long process in updating the City’s Comprehensive Plan, but this month the City Council will be moving forward on the Mayor’s Recommended Plan for Seattle 2035–the City’s new Comprehensive Plan. Importantly, councilmembers will deliberate on amendments to the Plan and possibly put the proposal on the City Council’s final action agenda.

So far, the City Council has identified approximately 160 proposed amendments, many of which are technical changes rather than substantive policy changes. But the contents of each could have long-lasting impacts on City policy for many years to come, and that’s to say nothing of the proposed wording of the Recommended Plan itself. Three meetings of the Planning, Land Use, and Zoning (PLUZ) Committee will be held to discuss the Plan. The last meeting would give the Committee’s approval and send the proposal out of committee for final approval by the full City Council.

  • Friday, September 9th (9.30am): The PLUZ Committee will take up discussion on possible amendments to the Plan;
  • Thursday, September 15th (2pm): The PLUZ Committee will hold a public hearing on the Plan and proposed amendments; and
  • Tuesday, September 20th (9.30am): This date is still tentative, but the PLUZ Committee could act on adoption of the amendments and modified Plan.

If an amended version of the Comprehensive Plan is voted out of committee on September 20th, it could go to the full Council on September 26th or October 3rd for final action. Otherwise, the proposal will be tabled until after the budget season in very late November. Participation at each step is important if you want to impact the outcome of policy direction. Those who want to testify at the public hearing on September 15th should show up early and sign-in to speak. Individuals can sign-up as early as 1.45pm and the public hearing is scheduled begin shortly thereafter at 2pm. Councilmember Rob Johnson, Chair of the PLUZ Committee, is also happy to take feedback directly to share with committee members.

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Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.