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Monthly Archives: November 2016

Remembering Those Lost To Traffic Violence

In 2015, over 35,000 people in the US were killed on our nation's roadways. This was the largest percentage increase over the previous year...

Urbanism Can Help Fight Fascism But Only With Reform

In the wake of last Tuesday's electoral collapse, think pieces have abounded. I've spun myself in circles and tied my stomach into knots trying...

1,000 Homes Showdown Is This Wednesday

Momentum is building for a proposal to build 1,000 affordable homes in Seattle. Housing Now Seattle has joined a large coalition of nonprofit groups...

SDOT To Reprioritize Traffic Light Replacement

When the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) announced the end of an eight-year study on traffic collision data, it had a very comprehensive set...

Support A More Affordable Future For Seattle

Seattle is a wonderful place to live--vibrant, diverse, and thriving. The rich cultural and economic opportunity we enjoy here has made Seattle one of...

Sunday Video: Safe Streets Are Great For Business

Seattle Neighborhood Greenways talks to a local Roosevelt business owner to see how safer streets make business better.

What We’re Reading: ST3 Wins, Americana, And Inequitable Future

ST3 wins: See how the regional vote broke down in favor and against the measure. LA mass transit: Los Angeles is also passing a major...

Seattle’s Slow Progress on Homelessness

Seattle is now more than a year into a city-declared state of emergency around the issue of homelessness. On November 2, 2015, the office...