Future warning: The federal reserve in San Francisco issued a warning that climate change could have devastating lending and financing consequences ($) for coastal cities.

LA reprioritizes: In Los Angeles, light rail may finally be getting priority over cars at intersections.

Do both: Streetsblogs that less driving and more electric cars will reduce emissions.

Immigrating to America: Richard Florida highlights the new geography of immigrants to America.

National housing debates: How can Democratic presidential candidates’ housing plans be made a reality? And will their plans to address redlining work?

Telework trending: Teleworking continues to rise in America.

Portland weighs priorities: Will Portland lower parking requirements as part of its residential infill program?

Weaponizing the constitution: Will the Commerce Clause be used to undermine work to address the climate crisis?

Rethinking the mall: Fairfax County, Virginia is looking to lower parking requirements at malls.

Pushed out: Historically redlined communities are often no longer where African Americans live.

Reversing the trend: American urban transit systems appear to be adding riders again.

Federal scourge: The federal administration okayed more logging ($) of Alaska’s Tongass National Forest this week.

The sky is blue: Fear of drivers scares e-scooter riders to sidewalks, according to a new survey.

Maltreatment: Some county prosecutors in Washington are sharing information with immigration enforcement agencies to facilitate arrests.

Ridehailing is broken: Los Angeles is exploring a $30 per hour minimum wage for ridehailing drivers. Meanwhile, the United States House of Representative’s transportation lead has ripped ridehailing companies for their practices. This is a reversal from his past statements.

Peak Chicago?: The biggest Chicago condo highrise since the last recession has been proposed at a whopping $1 billion.

Highly productive: The Netherlands is second only to the United States in production and export of produce to other countries.

Autonomous scooters: The self-driving e-scooter race is on.

Bold state rail program: Virginia is moving ahead with a big commuter rail expansion between Washington, D.C. and Richmond.

People first: In New York City, cars were banned on 14th Street in Manhattan to facilitate buses and the apocalypse did not come ($).

Pedestrian deaths not inevitable: Bike Portland covered transportation reporter Angie Schmitt’s latest talk in Portland on pedestrian deaths.

McImpact fee: A Maryland county is considering an impact fee specific to McMansions.

Natural history: The new Burke Museum opens.

Speed cameras work: Data shows that speed cameras do work in slowing speeds and reducing collisions.

App assistance: A new app can monitor a drivers’ speeding behavior to help reduce the habit.

New highs: The Fremont Bridge hits a new record pace for bike crossings with an earlier one million this month.

Renovation: The Georgetown Steam Plant is getting a renovation.

Crisis of real estate: What could WeWork’s demise do to real estate in New York City?

New transpo caucus: A new caucus focused on public transportation has been formed in the United States House of Representatives.

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Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.