Vandalized: The Beacon Hill light rail station was vandalized two weeks ago.
Delayed: Decongestion pricing in New York City could be delayed due to the federal approval needed to do it.
DC rail: Lawmakers want to explore extension of Washington, D.C.’s Metro Blue Line further into Virginia ($). Locals also want later night service on the system.
Climate arson tyranny: Republicans, which are a minority in Oregon, have ducked out on more climate change votes to kill progressive legislation on the topic ($).
Safer: New York City’s busway is not only reducing congestion, speeding up buses, and increasing ridership, it is also saving lives.
Do Washington, too: Sightline highlights five reasons why Oregon should abolish the state’s senate.
Economic inequity: Research suggests that boosting homeownership and businesses alone won’t undue wealth gaps between races.
Tech evictions: Landlords have moved to new technology in assisting in evictions.
In for bikes: Vancouver, Washington is moving ahead with new protected bike lanes and removal of street parking to do it.
Smaller workforce: Expedia plans to trim its workforce by 3,000 ($) with many of the job cuts happening locally.
National HSR: A California congress member is proposing a national high-speed rail funding bill.
Tax Boeing: Crosscut highlights five things that revenue could from Boeing taxes could pay for.
Consolidate: Bus stop consolidation in Pittsburgh seems to be improving service speed and reliability.
Rejected: A multifamily housing project was rejected in Los Angeles, but the proponents are moving to sue over the rejection.
Texas-sized project: Texas is moving forward with a $7.5 billion highway expansion boondoggle project in Austin.
Longer commutes: People living in public housing in America have much longer commutes to work that other people.
Opening soon: What other businesses are headed for the Capitol Hill Station development site opening soon?
Car tab mess: With $30 car tabs in limbo, how will the state fix its transportation budget funding and priorities?
Big polluters: A new report ranks the top 100 most polluting facilities that represent more than a third of emissions in America.
Remote work incentives: What happened when Tulsa paid people to work remotely?
Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.