A photo of King County ballot drop box on a sunny day.
Photo by Natalie Bicknell Argerious

Primary election ballots are arriving in the mail and due by August 1st. In the run up The Urbanist Elections Committee has been hard at work prepping endorsements for what is shaping up to be an exciting (and consequential) primary election. In this podcast episode, host and reporter Ray Dubicki chats with Election Committee members Rian Watt, Urbanist executive director, and Maya Ramakrishnan, eviction attorney, about the committee’s endorsements.

Want to know more about their process for scrutinizing dozens of candidates and figuring out who to endorse? Interested to learn why some candidates were chosen and others cast aside? This podcast episode will take on all of this and more.

Do you want to give props to our Election Committee for their hard work and rigorous process? Or maybe you feel they made the wrong call in an endorsement? In any case, we want to hear from you. Reach out to us with your comments, questions, and future episode ideas at podcast [at] theurbanist.org.  

As always, you can find The Urbanist podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and other major platforms. And if you are enjoying the podcast, be sure to offer a “like” or “thumbs up” on your favorite platform. It’s a great way to spread the word to new listeners.

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Natalie Bicknell Argerious (she/her) is a reporter and podcast host at The Urbanist. She previously served as managing editor. A passionate urban explorer since childhood, she loves learning how to make cities more inclusive, vibrant, and environmentally resilient. You can often find her wandering around Seattle's Central District and Capitol Hill with her dogs and cat. Email her at natalie [at] theurbanist [dot] org.