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Yearly Archives: 2014

Does The Housing Market Work? The Answer Is Obvious But The...

  It has become a common refrain among anyone paying attention to housing costs that the market simply doesn't work. Many legitimate and important concerns...

Bike Lanes Are Social Justice

Last week, Michael Andersen at People for Bikes posted new data based on the most recent Census that shows the poorest Americans are twice...

Required Bicycle Parking and aPodments

The city's draft of microhousing legislation (p. 15) includes a previously proposed regulation for bicycle parking: 1 secure space for every 4 microhousing units. Seattle currently requires...

Housing Diversions: We Can End Homelessness

Gabriel Metcalfe from SPUR proposes an all-of-the-above approach to solving the housing cost problem in San Francisco. He nails it with the comment: In the...

Why Urbanism?

Sometimes, when having conversations with fellow environmentalists, I find a disconnect in our understanding of urbanization. In the past, cities were regarded as dirty,...

Westlake Policy Ride

If you're not doing anything on Sunday afternoon, you could help make Seattle a safer place for cyclist and pedestrians, help improve access to...

Let’s stop using the term NIMBY. This is a better description.

In many cities the term NIMBY (not in my back yard) is often lobbed at those opposing changes in their neighborhood. The term is...

Are kitchen sizes more important than housing costs? This indicates Seattle...

The fourth proposed regulation on micro-housing concerns minimum square footage of communal areas. The city would like to require a minimum square footage for the...