Alex Hudson speaks on behalf of the Community Package Coalition. (Courtesy of Community Pckage Coalition)

The Urbanist is a community-driven resource, reporting on a range of urban issues in our region. In addition to its online reporting, The Urbanist’s events and community building opportunities provide valuable spaces for community-building and education offline.

The Urbanist’s events such as monthly meetups and walking tours are opportunities for the community to connect and engage together on urban issues, creating space that facilitates learning and idea sharing. I value their walking tours that give community-members a first hand look at our growing and changing landscape. Walking tours provide the community an opportunity to learn about the policies and design that shape our city — our present and historical racial and social inequities, and current land use and transportation investments — and collaborate on solutions that will create a healthy and thriving city for all.

The Urbanist occupies a unique and valuable space to convene community members around our region’s history, present-day challenges and opportunities, and to inspire policies and actions that result in a better future. And their work is all volunteer based. Each member brings a true commitment to making our region people centered as we continue to grow. I hope you’ll consider supporting the Urbanist.

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Article Author
Alex Hudson

Alex is an advocate for people-centered planning and urban design who works at the neighborhood scale to build a city based on equity, vibrancy, innovation, and cultivation of place attachment. A former boardmember at The Urbanist, Alex is Executive Director of Transportation Choices Coalition, and sits on the board of the Freeway Park Association and the Community Involvement Commission—her opinions on The Urbanist are her own. She lives in First Hill with her cat, houseplants, and overflowing library of books about urban planning, design, and placemaking.