To spread the word about ways our community of readers can engage with furthering the mission of The Urbanist to improve cities and quality of life, we are highlighting events and activities in Seattle during the first half September, which has a lot going on! This article will be the first of semi-regular planned series. If you have information about an event, activity, or opportunity for advocacy that aligns with our mission, don’t hesitate to share it with us using our Contact Us form.
From a City of Seattle volunteer board opportunity to help shape the future of transit in Seattle, to the one of the largest walking, biking, and rolling summits in Washington State, there are many ways to get engaged during September 2021. Read on to learn more.
Thursday, Sept. 9th offers two online opportunities. The Seattle Planning Commission (SPC), a 16-member volunteer body appointed by the Mayor and City Council, is holding an online meeting from 3:00pm to 5:30pm in which they will be updated on the City’s Equitable Development Initiative by Ubax Gardheere, Equity Strategies Manager for the Seattle Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD). When interviewing SPC co-chairs for my recent article on the commission’s recommendations for the upcoming major Seattle Comprehensive Plan update, both emphasized that their meetings are open to the public and include public comment, which needs to be submitted in advance.
The Urbanist‘s Move All Seattle Sustainably (MASS) coalition partner, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways (SNG) is hosting its annual racial equity workshop on Sept. 9th as well from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. According to SNG, the online workshop “will focus on how we as a collective can advance anti-racism in our organizing and advocacy. We will spend time learning together, working through challenges in small groups and caucusing by neighborhood group to draft action steps.” Participants are encouraged to register in advance.
Friday, Sept. 10th is the date on which applications close for the Seattle Transit Advisory Board (TAB), which advises the City on challenges and opportunities related to transit and public transportation. (TAB) is accepting applications for three new members to serve two-year terms starting in Fall 2021 and running through August 2023. Applicants can reach out to Nico Martinucci at Nico.Martinucci@seattle.gov with questions and apply online.
Sunday, Sept. 12th will be an open street festival celebrating safe walking, rolling, and biking in Downtown Redmond, which will welcome Link light rail into the neighborhood in 2024. Let’s Move Redmond is sponsored by Move Redmond an active transportation advocacy group that envisions a more accessible, walkable, and affordable Redmond.

Tuesday, Sept. 14th is The Urbanist‘s monthly meet-up, which will be featuring Seattle City Council candidate Nikkita Oliver. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about Oliver’s plans for Seattle, including during a question/answer session.
Tuesday, Sept. 21st and Thursday, Sept. 23rd the Seattle School Board will be holding meetings from 6:30pm to 7:30pm planning for the upcoming Seattle Public School (SPS) levies that will be on the ballot in Feb. 2022. Our MASS coalition partner 350Seattle is advocating for SPS to make sure that includes the necessary funding to honor a resolution approved by the School Board that commits SPS to transitioning to one hundred percent clean and renewable energy. 350Seattle is encouraging SPS to fund the installation of solar panels for every public school in Seattle to help create a clean energy micro-grid that can assist the surrounding community during blackouts. Organizers are seeking people to speak in support of this initiative during the public hearing portion of the levy meetings. You learn more about their organizing efforts here. Supporters can also sign a petition in support of bringing solar to every Seattle school.
Sept. 27th – Oct. 1st will be Cascade Bicycle’s Club’s annual Walk, Bike, Roll summit which will be held online and offers a packed agenda. Below is a summary of events. A detailed agenda with a full program description is also available.
Monday, Sept. 27th
8:30am – 9:30am – Building Community Through Open Streets
12:30pm – 1:30pm – Keynote Session with Alex Haagaard and Liz Jackson
4:00pm – 5:00pm – Investigating Mobility Justice and Safety
Tuesday, Sept. 28th
8:30am – 9:30am – Equity and the Future of our Urban Rail Transit Systems
12:30pm – 1:30pm – Lessons from Quick Build Complete Streets Projects
4:00pm – 5:00pm- Transportation Master Plans Around the State: Building Bike, Walk, and Transit Friendly Cities
Wednesday, Sept. 29th
8:30am – 9:30am – Storytelling for Agility and Resilience
12:30pm – 1:30pm – Keynote Session with Dara Baldwin
4:00pm – 5:00pm – Reimagining the Safe Routes to School System
Thursday, Sept. 30th
8:30am – 9:30am – Organizing Bicyclists for Climate Action
12:30pm – 1:30pm – Investigating Enforcement in Active Transportation
3:30pm – 5:00pm – Speed and Safety: Speed Limit Setting and Speed Management
Friday, Oct. 1st
8:30am – 9:30am – Mobilize WA: Stories from Disabled Washingtonians who Walk, Roll, Wheel, and Ride Transit
12:30pm – 1:30pm – Keynote Part 2: Envisioning an Equitable Process
3:00pm – 4:00pm – Progress Towards the Safe System
Natalie Bicknell Argerious (she/her) is a reporter and podcast host at The Urbanist. She previously served as managing editor. A passionate urban explorer since childhood, she loves learning how to make cities more inclusive, vibrant, and environmentally resilient. You can often find her wandering around Seattle's Central District and Capitol Hill with her dogs and cat. Email her at natalie [at] theurbanist [dot] org.