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Monthly Archives: August 2016

Transit App Update: Now With Rails Lines And Stops

Transit App software engineers continue to improve the quality of their popular transit trip planning app service. Last month, the company pushed out a highly...

Care About Madison Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)?

Here’s what to look for when you provide comments at the final Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) online before August 16th. Madison BRT is intended as...

City Council Rundown: Lake City Rezone, Renters Protected, Alley Vacated, And...

It was a packed agenda for the Seattle City Council yesterday with a range of land use and housing topics passing across the dais....

Madison BRT: An In-Depth Look At The 30% Design

On August 3rd and 4th, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) held public open houses where they unveiled the 30% design for its Madison...

Reminder: Next Meetup And Speaker Is Tuesday, August 9

Another month, another meetup with The Urbanist! Our meetups are open to all and free to attend, so come by if you want to...

Melrose Promenade Awarded $3 Million For Construction

Last week, the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) released its recommendations for hundreds of millions of dollars in federal transportation funding. We recently provided a...

Sunday Video: Anthony Howe’s 2016 Rio Olympic Cauldron

Anthony Howe is a local sculptor living on Orcas Island. Originally from Salt Lake City and then a student-turned-professional artist on the East Coast for...

What We’re Reading: Fight Climate Change, Bridging Divides, And Make Tracks

Fight climate change: A recent poll of Americans shows that a strong majority--regardless of political affiliation--believe that transportation departments should take carbon pollution into...